Chapter 5: What Am I Doing? Share What exactly am I doing? Well, if you have gotten anything out of this article, the truth is what I am doing probably won’t matter much to you. Chapter 1 suggests that each person has to find their own approach. So, if I give you my approach, it […]
Archives for January 2003
Losing to Winning the Great Leap | Chapter 4: Real Value
Chapter 4: Real Value Share A few months ago I read Steve Fierro’s book, The Four Quarters of Horse Investing. At first reading, it did not impress me much as something that I could use because I don’t normally make an odds line. I’d prefer to click the button and let HSH do it for […]
Losing to Winning – the Great Leap | Chapter 2: Finding My Approach
Chapter 2: Finding “My” Approach Share So, how does one find their personal approach? Before addressing that question, let’s make sure we are one the same page. First, we have established that you believe you are capable of winning, right? (If not, go back to the first chapter again.) Second, we have established that there […]
Losing to Winning – the Great Leap | Chapter 3: Taking Responsibility
Chapter 3: Taking Responsibility Share So, how do we take responsibility? Let me tell you how it worked for me. I began with a system to test, a notepad file and a commitment to handicap 50 races without making a single change from my “system.” As I handicapped each race, I logged the results in […]
Losing to Winning – the Great Leap | Chapter 1: Belief
Chapter 1: Belief Share When it comes to horse racing, most have us have been searching for a “Holy Grail” of sorts; That special system or approach that will lift us to the level we wish to attain. Some of us have found ways to win at a modest level but nothing that one could […]