Why Your Extra Handicapping is Killing You Recently there was a discussion in our Talking Handicapping Facebook group where someone asked if anyone pays attention to the payoffs in the daily double pool. I really see this as part of what I call the Too Many Moving Parts problem. Now, don’t misunderstand me: I am […]
Archives for July 2017
What If Your Handicapping Process Isn’t Practical?
PaceMakeTheRace Podcast featuring Dave Schwartz and Derek Simon discussing the practical side of handicapping approaches. The topic is all over the place (as usual) but mostly about the handicapping process and how impractical some players make theirs. And GET THIS! — Derek called me an “ignorant slut!” How dare he use MY phrase! Share How […]
Horse Handicapping: RACE Value Will Make You a Better Player
A Live Experiment: Can Dave Schwartz make money with SOMEONE ELSE’S picks by applying his 3-Step Approach? On Saturday, July 8th, Dave Schwartz conducted an experiment in his Live Play Date session. What happened was pretty amazing. Share This was a HOT SEAT show, where there are several panelists who provided their contenders in each […]